Product Liability



Product Liability

There are many situations that may surround the cause of an automobile accident. These include the current weather conditions; the condition or wellbeing of the motorist driving the vehicle; if their driving has been influenced by alcohol or drugs; and the actual design of the auto itself. Automobile product liability is a surprisingly common cause of accidents and requires legal action with the help of a car accident lawyer.

The accident may, of course, not have been the fault of the driver. There are an increasing number of incidences in which the vehicle may be to blame for the accident. Many fatalities and severe injuries can be caused by defective auto parts or vehicle design that is quite unsafe.

Auto designers are responsible for vehicle safety

Automobile designers and manufacturers in the U.S. are responsible for the maintenance of stringent standards in automobile design and the designing and manufacturing of auto parts. Legally, they are accountable to the Crashworthiness Doctrine, which is a type of tort law. This doctrine ensures a liability is enforced on a vehicle manufacturer if a design defect causes additional damage in an accident, which can be distinguished from any damage which was caused by the circumstances of the crash.

In a few cases, manufacturing standards are not adhered to sufficiently and additional injuries may occur when an accident takes place.

Winning a case against an automobile manufacturer is not easy, as the plaintiff must prove beyond doubt that the alleged defect resulted in injuries that occurred in the crash. It is important that all the proof has been compiled and the vehicle has been thoroughly checked by an expert to ensure that the defect was the culprit.

Common defects in automobiles are:

  • Defective tires
  • Defective brakes
  • Defective fuel lines
  • Defective carpets
  • Defective accelerator

Many auto manufacturers have recalled vehicles because of the above faults and often these defects have emerged after the evaluation of the cause of an accident. If drivers fail to put out an alert when they think a defect is to blame for their accident then they are not doing justice to other car owners and road users.

Contact a car accident lawyer as soon as possible after an accident

If you have been involved in a car accident and think you have a case for automobile product liability, you should contact a car accident lawyer to discuss your case for filing a claim for compensation. It is your legal right to receive compensation for injuries that were not your fault. Any compensation payment will cover you for unplanned medical bills, emotional stress and loss of earnings due to the need to spend time recovering at home.

You should not feel guilty about asking for compensation, as this helps to ensure manufacturers are more accountable and is the best way to make sure that reliable and safe automobiles are the only ones out on our roads.

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