
Just Got Hit?

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      We have the experience and the drive to get you the most for your case. Not sure that your case is strong enough? Worried about the process? We’ll walk you through everything during a free consultation.

      How We Can Help You

      You can try and pursue a case on your own. However, even if your case appears simple, remember: the insurance companies will always try and reduce the settlement value of your claim!

      We handle the grunt work

      Sifting though hundreds of legal documents is not for the faint hearted – we do the work, so you don’t have to.

      Protect Yourself Now and In the Future’

      Some cases may involve payments for ongoing healthcare.

      We ensure these obligations are met today, and also in the future.

      Get every cent you deserve.

      Some cases may involve payments for ongoing healthcare.

      We ensure these obligations are met today, and also in the future.

      Get the Help You Need Fast:

      Settlements can take a long time, including long hours negotiating with third parties like defense attorneys and insurance companies. If you have been injured, you want our help fast!

      Injured in a car accident? You need a lawyer.


      Car accidents unfortunately happen extremely often, and they are often very dangerous or even deadly.

      In 2014, there were 85,084 reported car crashes in Pennsylvania, over 600 of which resulted in fatalities and over 40,000 of which resulted in injuries.

      Our lawyers have years of experience assisting accident victims in Pennsylvania if they have been injured in any type of car accident.

      Because car accidents are so commonplace, it can be easy to think that they will not happen to you, or that any car accident you are involved in will be minor.

      Unfortunately, as the statistics show, injuries are extremely common in car accidents. And if the car crash was at high speed or in heavy traffic, the injuries may be quite serious and painful.

      Over 85% of Americans own a car, people run the risk of being involved in a car accident every time they get behind the wheel or in the passenger seat of a vehicle.

      “We Win or It’s Free®”

      Our Experience Is Your Advantage

      Our personal injury lawyers will fight on your side against the insurance companies to make sure your rights are protected and the liable party is held accountable for your injury. Do not settle your personal injury cases without representation, only to find that you do not receive the amount of compensation you need to get your life back on track.

      Step 1

      Call or Text our Lawyers 24/7 and we will schedule a free consultation.

      Step 2

      Call or Text our Lawyers 24/7 and we will schedule a free consultation.

      Step 3

      Call or Text our Lawyers 24/7 and we will schedule a free consultation.

      We Look to Your Future

      We work closely with the medical community and other professionals to ensure the lifetime needs of our clients are addressed. Our auto accident attorneys have experience in a range of personal injury law involving car, bus, truck, taxi, bicycle, and motorcycle accident related injuries.

      • It was not your Fault!
 Nobody should have to pay out of pocket for injuries caused by negligence. Under Pennsylvania law, you are entitled to compensation if you were injured in a car or truck accident as a result of someone else’s negligence.
      • Medical Treatment First: 
Getting you compensation for medical treatment, vehicle repair or replacement, lost income, pain and suffering, and anything else you now have to pay for as a result of your injuries is our top priority.
      • Addressing the core issues
 Each auto accident comes with it’s own separate set of inquiries, like whether the driver, the employer, the vehicle owner and other involved parties complied with safety laws, Department of Transportation and Motor Carrier Safety regulations, and met a certain standard of care and safety maintenance.

      Addressing these issues requires an in-depth understanding of auto injury. Our car accident lawyers have extensive knowledge in this area of the law, as well as significant
experience preparing, litigating, and even trying cases to judges and juries to ensure our clients are given
sufficient compensation.

      They know that you have one of the most respected personal injury firms in Pennsylvania handling your case, and they know we can not be intimidated. Because of this, very few of our claims proceed to trial. Insurance companies are not willing to go up against our fierce litigators. Our experienced lawyers will pierce through the red tape and fight for your rights.

      Our clients often receive five times the settlement amount the insurance company initially offers. We take on all the paperwork and negotiating required in handling your claim. That way, you can focus on your physical recovery.

      Get A Free Consultation

      Fill out this form and start your case

        Begin Your Injury Claim Today!

        Make sure you have expert representation before settling your personal injury case.

        Dealing with aggressive insurance adjusters can be overwhelming. They may pressure you into accepting a settlement that’s too low and doesn’t truly cover your needs. Don’t let them corner you into a decision that leaves you at a disadvantage. It’s crucial to have a strong, reliable Accident Lawyer by your side—one who will fight tirelessly for your rights. Our Injury Attorneys are here to help you secure the full compensation you deserve. Reach out to us today and take the first step towards getting the justice and support you need.

        Injury Cases In Pennsylvania

        Every year, approximately 129 million visits are made to emergency rooms across the country. Of these, 17%—which amounts to nearly 22 million visits—are due to injuries from accidents. Alarmingly, about half of these injuries occur in individuals under the age of 30.

        Have you been sidelined by an accident in the prime of your life? Let us help secure the compensation you deserve to support your future. If you’re over 30 and an accident has left you grappling with injuries, don’t let your hard-earned life savings vanish into endless medical bills. No matter your age or the type of accident you’ve encountered, having the right attorney by your side is crucial for navigating your recovery journey.

        Our team has empowered thousands of clients just like you to win the financial compensation they need after life-altering accidents. We’re here to support you too. With our Personal Injury Lawyers handling your claim, our commitment goes beyond just winning your case. We engage deeply in your recovery process, ensuring that you—or a loved one—can either return to work or receive the necessary training for a new career if injuries mean a job change is in order. Count on us to coordinate the long-term care, physical therapy, chiropractic services, or pain management needed to reclaim your life.

        Start Your Case

        Start your journey with us risk-free! Our initial consultation is completely free, and we work on a contingency fee basis—you won’t owe us anything unless we win your case. That’s our promise to you, encapsulated in our motto: “We Win or It’s Free”®. Our dedicated legal team is eager to discuss your claim from day one and support you well beyond your recovery and the settlement of your claim. You matter to us, today and every day after.

        How do I start my case?

        • Free Consultation – You can contact us at any time for a free consultation. Our lawyers will examine your documents and discuss your choices with you.
        • Obtaining Treatment and Gathering Evidence – We Make sure you have received a medical evaluation and are on a proper course of treatment. We will begin collecting evidence.
        • Organizing and Making Your Claim – We put together all all the required legal and medical paperwork to make sure your claim is properly
        • How Much Are you due? – After gathering evidence related to the accident, we can come up with a figure for compensation based on decades of experience of helping our clients navigate the legal system.
        • Filing Your Claim – We put together all legal paperwork and make sure it is filed correctly with all parties.
        • Tracking Expenses – We will monitor how much money it costs to make your claim to ensure your costs are included in the
        • Insurance Negotiation  – We deal with the insurance companies on your behalf to get you the representation and settlement you
        • Acceptance of Your Claim – “We Win or It’s Free”® We only get paid after your claim is settled or tried to verdict.

        Begin Your Injury Claim Today

        Ensure you have expert representation before settling your personal injury case.

        Don’t let aggressive insurance adjusters rush you into a low settlement that could leave you and your loved ones struggling. You deserve a strong, reputable, and committed Accident Lawyer who will stand up to the insurance companies on your behalf. Contact our experienced Injury Attorneys today to ensure you receive the maximum compensation you rightfully deserve.

        Other Practice Areas

        Serious Injuries are caused in many ways. Car accidents often lead to spine injuries. Slip and falls may result in nerve damage, and chemical fires can lead to permanent disfigurement.

        No matter how it happened, serious injuries share these common things: pain, stress, and exorbitant medical bills. We’re here to help with all personal injury claims.

        Neck and Back Injuries

        Our law firm specializes in handling neck and back injuries resulting from car accidents. With a deep understanding of the complexities associated with spinal injuries, our experienced attorneys are committed to securing the compensation you need for medical treatment, lost wages, and pain and suffering. We focus on providing personalized legal services that address the full impact of your injuries on your life and future. Our team is prepared to navigate the legal system on your behalf, ensuring that those responsible for your injuries are held accountable. Let us help you achieve the justice and financial support necessary for your recovery.

        Permanent Disability

        At our law firm, we specialize in representing clients who have sustained permanent disabilities from car accidents. Our experienced attorneys are deeply committed to securing the compensation and support necessary for your long-term care and quality of life. We understand the challenges that come with adapting to a new reality after a severe injury, and we are here to help navigate the legal process with precision and empathy. Our team will work tirelessly to ensure that responsible parties are held accountable and that you receive the financial resources needed for medical expenses, ongoing care, and lifestyle adjustments. Trust us to stand by your side and champion your rights.

        Wrongful Death

        At our law firm, we provide compassionate and determined legal representation for families dealing with the devastating loss of a loved one due to wrongful death. Our experienced attorneys understand the emotional and financial impacts of your loss and are committed to holding the responsible parties accountable.

        We work diligently to secure the compensation you deserve for funeral expenses, loss of income, and the emotional suffering that comes with such a tragedy. Trust us to handle your case with the sensitivity and respect it deserves, ensuring that justice is served while you focus on healing and honoring the memory of your loved one.

        Hit and Run Cases

        If you’ve been the victim of a hit and run accident, our law firm is here to help. Specializing in these complex cases, we understand the emotional and physical toll they can take. Our experienced attorneys are committed to securing the justice and compensation you deserve.

        We work tirelessly to investigate the incident, track down the responsible party, and handle all the legal challenges on your behalf. With a focus on compassionate, comprehensive legal representation, we strive to ease your burden and restore your peace of mind. Trust us to pursue every avenue to hold the guilty party accountable and support your recovery.

        Manufacturing Defects

        At our law firm, we specialize in representing clients affected by manufacturing defects in automobiles. If your vehicle has been compromised due to faulty manufacturing, our skilled attorneys are prepared to fight for your rights. We understand the dangers and frustrations that come with automotive defects, from unexpected malfunctions to safety hazards.

        Our team is dedicated to holding manufacturers accountable and securing the compensation you deserve for repair costs, diminished value, and any related injuries. Trust us to navigate the legal landscape with precision and to advocate vigorously on your behalf. Your safety and satisfaction are our top priorities.

        Serious Injuries

        At our law firm, we are dedicated to representing individuals who have suffered serious injuries in car accidents. Our experienced attorneys understand the profound impact such injuries can have on your life and the lives of your loved ones. We are committed to fighting for the full compensation you deserve to cover medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Our approach is thorough and personalized, ensuring that each client receives attentive and compassionate legal representation. Trust us to navigate the complexities of your case with expertise and to advocate vigorously for your rights, helping you secure a brighter, more stable future.